Sewing Ambition or Cushion Porn

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sew sorry I mean so! For Christmas I was lucky enough to be given a sewing machine as I had mentioned that I would love to learn to use one and make my own clothes. I realize this is quite a task and so have set my sights a little lower for my first few projects I have been inspired by the amazing cushions I have been seeing online. Dont ask me where they are from as I just used Google! "glasses cushion" "glasses pillow" "spectacle cushion" spectacle pillow". 

As you can see I found some fabulous prints and figure a square is a simple shape and I can use velcro, buttons and zips on them to teach myself how to do each. Look out for my Adventures in Sewing future posts.

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  1. Replies
    1. I just need for the kitchen to be finished so the diningroom table is cleared for me to set up :)

  2. Those cat cushions are ace!xx


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