
105 Fat/Plus Bride/Groom Photos

Friday, November 13, 2015

When I got engaged in February 2015 the first thing I did was Google "plus bride" "fat bride" "plus wedding dress" to see what was available to the plus/fat bride. Mostly what came up was shop photos of thin models in wedding dresses that were available up to a size 20UK. Even with a bit more searching I was not seeing what I had hoped for. I wanted to see women my size or near to my size (26/28UK) wearing beautiful dresses that I could actually fit into and buy. Just like the fashion industry it seems the wedding industry is slow to provide fats with the things they need and want.

Not long after I got engaged I was contacted to be part of a plus bride tv documentary based around a Plus Size Bridal Shop a short train ride from me. The shop is called The Big Day and is located in Castleford. You can watch the documentary My Big Fat Wedding following 5 brides and their search for the perfect plus dress on the Channel4.com on demand.

After being filmed for the show and starting a Budget Bridal series of Blog posts I decided I wanted to show more plus/fat brides and grooms on their special day to give inspiration to other brides and just people in general and to show that fat people do fall in love, get married and have families just like everyone else despite what people/society my try to tell you!

So this is my inspiration post! I have been blown away with how many people shared their beautiful day with me and now you. Seeing so many happy people while fat is needed. Plus/fat people need to be seen and heard. We are people with the same loves, fears, hopes and dreams as everyone else and have the right to access clothes that fit us for every day and our special days. I hope you all see the beauty in these photos and people and share in their joyful memories.

This is me in an dress I blogged about for one of my Budget Bridal posts. I am not going to have a traditional dress and you will see a variety of Wedding attire in this post. All photos are credited to the wonderful people who submitted with their instagram or tumblr name in the corner of the photos. I wanted to link back to everyone but time is short for viewing the documentary. It will be removed from the Channel 4 website in a couple of days and wanted people to have the chance to see it if they want to.

These are my fellow My Big Fat Wedding Brides/Grooms on their special day. All except Jenny and I who were still searching for the perfect dress when filming ended.

All photos are in no particular order they are just posted in the order I received them. There are recent, vintage, modern, retro, casual, alternative styles and I love that every photo represents the couples perfect day. They all show their personal style and flare with grace and beauty. 

I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed putting it together to share with you all! Thank you to all the couples that were kind enough to share their day. I will be posting a Youtube video of the photos and also featuring one couple every week on my blog with their story so keep a look out for that soon. Please feel free to share with plus/fat friends that may be getting married soon. My hope to make wedding less traumatic and scary for people looking for that outfit for their special day and to realise that they will be beautiful and it will be perfect no matter what.

All the photos in the post were given to me to post. Please do not use these photos on any news website without asking permission from myself or the owner of the photo. Thank you 

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  1. Thankyou Laura, this is SO lovely!

  2. I adore the dress you're wearing and the way you've accessorized it! You look great. I'm also a big fan of Mermaid-Sparks's look. What a fun post -- so much variety!

  3. This post is pure sunshine! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for including me. xx
    Just Me Leah

  4. So many beautiful people and beautiful dresses! This is a great idea xx

  5. I love this! Can't imagine how long it took you to put it altogether, well done lovely lady xxx

  6. What a beautiful, lovely, wonderful post. I adore this. All these beautiful people radiating love on such a special day.

  7. What an amazing idea and so lovely to see so many fat, happy people!

  8. Anonymous4:25 pm

    This was so fantastic! Lovely people and they look stunning 💓

  9. Anonymous4:28 pm

    I broke off an engangement because I didn't feel comfortable standing in front of a church full of people, and still felt that if I was to marry this man I should be able to feel that I deserved to stand there. It might sound superficial, but much of my ambivalence was caused by the way I felt about my size.

    Most people would probably say I'm chubby, rather than fat, but as I am tall as well I always have trouble finding reasonable priced clothes that fits my size. But it is not really about your (or my) size, is it? It is how the industry make us feel that one should look on this particular day in life! And there are many of us that does not fit in that narrow box they've created, be it funky chubby women, short statured cool babes, gorgeuous wheel chairing ladies...

    I found myself watching these pictures, over and over again. And they made me feel like... F***k it! I CAN do this. And i WILL do this. MY way.

    So I will search for what makes me feel good inside, and hope that this feeling will make it to the outside as well... Thank you every single one of you radiant brides (and grooms of course), for showing me that true happiness is the real beauty! No matter what size we are.

    1. That's right girl! Do it! You are beautiful and amazing!

    2. You can also have a dress made, and there are lines by designers that usually design career and street style clothes. I've always loved the US line Watters--which has a lot of mix and match skirts, bodices, and jackets. You can find seamstresses that can create dresses that look just like the designer ones but allow you to tweak the style--I love the bodice on this dress but prefer the skirt on that one.

      I definitely don't think you should stop from having your wedding just because finding good clothes for women who aren't skeleton thin clothes hangers. If you do, they win. There are more and more designers that are creating gorgeous clothes for curvy women.

      I hate it when a designer just thinks they can just enlarge a size 6 pattern. It's like enlarging size 6 shoes to size 10--the proportions can be off.

      You do need to learn to love yourself. If you only see your flaws, that won't change even if you woke up tomorrow and was a six 6. I know, it happened to me--I lost a lot of weight (75lbs) and never thought I looked good and still saw myself as fat. Once I learned to love myself and see my positives, it didn't matter what the scale said. I do want to lose a bit of weight for my health, but it's no longer about how I look.

  10. Patti Broom4:56 pm

    How lovely, and amazing pics.....I got married (as a pensioner and size32) 1st April 2013 although I had to design my own dress/coat. I felt I looked good for my age and size and would like to include my photo.Pattibroom@gmail.com

  11. Such a beautiful photo series! I had the most beautiful wedding in Jan 2015. We went away to Cuba to get married. Growing up, I always thought I would "diet for the dress" and lose all this weight before the wedding. I finally reached a place of self-love, and that idea just seemed completely ridiculous to me. Why make myself completely miserable as I prepare for one of the most joyous occasions in my entire life? I wore the dress I had always dreamed of, and I rocked it!!!

  12. I love this post! I am engaged and getting married March 25th. This is my 3rd marriage but will be my last because I am marrying a wonderful man who loves me & my son unconditionally and I wished I would have met him 20 years ago but you live & learn. I am excited to be his wife but I am absolutely stressed out because I am the biggest I have ever been a size 26/28. I want to be excited but I am having trouble even becoming a little excited because I am nervous about how I look! :( I have never been one to worry about my weight because I have always been a big girl but I just want to be beautiful for my new husband <3 this article has helped me some but I am still nervous its just hard to be perfect when your overweight and on a budget. Thank you for this wonderful post!! Trixie from Mississippi <3

  13. I have been looking for a post like this for weeks! Thank you so much for posting this and for your effort in compiling everything! :) what style did you choose in the end?


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